New legislation could save some New Yorkers $75 a month on utility bills

State legislation that would force a transition from fossil fuels and cap energy costs could save the poorest New Yorkers an average of $75 per month, advocates said as they announced a new tool that lets residents calculate how much they could save on utility bills on Thursday.

The NY Heat Act under consideration in Albany would limit utility bills to 6% of total wages for low-to-middle-income households and incentivize the state’s utility regulator to downsize and in some cases decommission gas plants and pipelines.

As part of their push to get the legislation passed, climate policy nonprofits Spring Street Climate Fund and Win Climate created a NY Heat Act calculator that allows residents to click on their districts, input their income, average monthly bills and calculate how much they could save if it became law.

The bill has majority support in the state Senate, where it passed in June by a vote of 39-23, but died in the Assembly. Gov. Kathy Hochul included elements of the bill in her most recent budget that would discontinue the expansion of utility infrastructure that usually results in higher utility bills.

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