Report: New York delivers 1-2 punch in taxing, spending

(The Center Square) – New York and its local governments top the charts nationally when it comes to higher taxes and spending, according to a new report.

Analyzing census state and local finance data, the Citizens Budget Commission found that in 2021 the state and its localities were the highest taxing and second-highest spending among all U.S. states.

New York led in taxes, collecting the most per person – 63% more than the national average – and the most per $1,000 personal income, or 36% more than the national average.

Collectively, the state and local governments collected more revenue from many types of taxes – property, personal income, corporate, and sales – than most other states and their localities, according to the report.

New York led the nation with $10,331 taxes collected per resident – nearly $4,000 more than the national average. State and local tax collections were $135 per $1,000 of total personal income, the highest of all states and 36% higher than the national average, the report’s authors said.

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