A Stick To Your Ribs Amish Chicken And Dumpling Recipe So Good It’ll Become Your Favorite

Amish recipes were kept secret from “English” worldly people for a very long time, much like the communities they originated from. If you found a beautiful, busy elder matron and asked her for recipes, she’d probably just smile and shake her head.

She would, however, make sure you had enough of her delicious food to fill your belly and take some home for later. The Amish are quiet, private people who believe in simplicity and avoid modern conveniences. They are hard-working, self-sufficient people who know how to cook to keep them fueled for the day ahead.

The recipe below is one of my absolute favorites, shared with me by my Amish neighbor. This will “stick to your ribs,” meaning it will keep you fed, full, and happy!

Stick To Your Ribs Chicken and Dumplings

For the Chicken and Broth

  • Ten cups of chicken stock or bone broth
  • Four stalks of chopped celery
  • One to three pounds of precooked chicken
  • One chopped sweet white onion
  • Three large carrots, chopped
  • Two cups of fresh sweet peas or fresh green beans
  • Cornstarch, set aside to thicken stock if necessary
  • Two garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • A splash of fresh milk or cream

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