Federal lawsuit alleges Verona-based Epic Systems violated antitrust law

Epic Systems, a Verona-based health care software company, is being accused of violating antitrust law in a lawsuit filed in a New York federal court on Monday.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Particle Health, a New York health data startup. It said nearly every large health care provider in the country uses Epic’s electronic health records platform and software.

In court documents, Particle Health estimates that between 81 and 94 percent of the U.S. population has at least one record in an Epic database, making the Verona company “the dominant supplier of electronic medical records to third parties.”

The suit says Epic used its dominant position in the market to “stamp out competition” to generate billions of dollars for itself.

“Epic Systems controls the medical information of nearly every American — meaning one private company has unchecked power over our health care,” Particle Health CEO Jason Prestinario said in a statement. “Now, Epic is using that power to thwart an emerging industry intended to bring payers and providers into closer collaboration for better patient care.”

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