North Carolina is home to lots of creepy spiders, but only 2 that can harm you. How to spot them

Spiders often evoke fear and anxiety, but in North and South Carolina, the majority are harmless.

However, two types of spiders, the black widow and the brown recluse, can pose a threat to humans.

Here’s a quick guide to help you identify and avoid these venomous arachnids.

Black Widows

  • Ominous-looking with an oversized, balloon-shaped abdomen.
  • Typically black with a distinctive red hourglass marking on the underside. Some may lack the red mark and can be brown or dark gray.


  • Shy and antisocial, they prefer dark, secluded spaces close to the ground like wood piles and under porches.
  • Some varieties in North Carolina may build webs in higher places with heavy insect traffic, such as around porch lights.


  • Black widow venom is highly potent, more so than a rattlesnake’s, but they inject a small amount.
  • Bites can cause muscle pain and fever but rarely lead to severe harm or death.

Prevention Tips:

  • Wear gloves when handling wood or reaching into dark spaces.
  • Shake out items stored in the attic or garage and empty outdoor shoes before wearing.

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