Deadly Creatures Lurking in North Carolina Rivers

When you think of North Carolina’s rivers, serene images of flowing water and scenic landscapes probably come to mind. However, beneath these tranquil surfaces lurk a variety of wildlife, some of which can be quite dangerous. From venomous snakes to large predatory fish, North Carolina’s rivers are home to a host of creatures that demand respect and caution. Let’s dive into the fascinating and sometimes perilous world of North Carolina’s river wildlife.

Venomous Snakes

One of the most well-known and feared inhabitants of North Carolina’s rivers is the cottonmouth or water moccasin. Found primarily in the eastern part of the state, cottonmouths are venomous and can be quite aggressive if provoked. They are easily identifiable by the cotton-white color inside their mouths, which they display when threatened​ (A-Z Animals)​​ (OnlyInYourState®)​.

In addition to cottonmouths, other venomous snakes such as copperheads and timber rattlesnakes can be found near rivers and wetlands. Copperheads are particularly notorious during the summer months when they tend to hide in shaded areas like wood piles or debris near water sources​ (OnlyInYourState®)​.

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