USPS Paw Program: Protecting NC Mail Carriers from Dog Attacks

USPS Paw Program: Keeping North Carolina Mail Carriers Safe

Living in North Carolina has its perks and challenges, and while mail delivery might not be the most exciting part, it’s essential. The USPS Paw Program aims to protect mail carriers from dog attacks, an everyday risk they face.

How the Program Works

  • Stickers: Bright yellow and orange paw print stickers are placed on mailboxes of homes with dogs and the house before them.
  • Awareness: Homeowners receive a postcard explaining the program, encouraging community participation.

Why It Matters

The program helps mail carriers stay safe by alerting them to potential dangers, and it has been successful in other areas. If you receive a paw print sticker, leave it on your mailbox. It symbolizes community effort to protect those who serve us daily.

This story was originally published here.