A look at some new laws taking effect in Virginia, North Carolina on July 1

Some new laws are taking effect July 1.

One is a law in Virginia that was inspired by Irvo Otieno. He died in custody at Central State Hospital which sparked a call for mental health reform.

“It’s an honor to have a law in Irvo’s name,” said Caroline Ouko, mother of Otieno said in June. “Irvo’s law will give you access to be with your loved ones in a mental health crisis.”

Other laws aim firearms.

Some make it a felony for a parent or guardian in Virginia to give children access to firearms if they know the child to be a threat or charged with a violent crime. That was inspired by a shooting in 2021 when 13-year-old Lucia Bremer was shot and killed by a 14-year-old.

After that, her parents pushed for change.

“Our daughter Lucia was stolen from us,” Bremer’s father Jonathan said in a legislative hearing in January.

Another law works to protect first responders if they’re exposed to toxic chemicals on the job.

“Not every bill gets unanimous support, but this was one of them,” said Aaron Rouse, Virginia State Senator.

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