Mercurochrome and Merthiolate once were in many North Carolina homes

Where Did They Go?

Mercurochrome and Merthiolate were once ubiquitous in medicine cabinets across North Carolina and many other places. These antiseptics, with their distinctive red liquid in bottles with droppers, were staples for treating minor cuts and scrapes. For many, just looking at an old bottle brings back a flood of memories.

Memories of Outdoor Childhood Adventures

In the days when children spent most of their time outdoors, minor injuries were a common part of their adventures. Falling off playground equipment, having bike wrecks, or getting hurt leaping from trees or tall buildings were typical experiences.

Playing softball, tag, or hide-and-seek often resulted in slips and falls. There was always a kid or two with a skinned elbow or knee, and that’s when Mercurochrome and Merthiolate came to the rescue.

Why Did They Disappear?

Concerns Over Safety

The primary reason for the decline of Mercurochrome and Merthiolate lies in their active ingredient: mercury. Over time, concerns about mercury’s toxicity led to stricter regulations and a reevaluation of the safety of these products.

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