North Carolina Middle Class Income Thresholds: 2022 Report

Decline in Middle Class Representation

The share of American adults in the middle class has decreased over the past few decades. According to Pew Research Center, the percentage of adults living in middle-class households dropped from 61% in 1971 to 50% in 2021.

Income Thresholds

To be considered middle class in North Carolina in 2022, you needed to earn annual household income within the range of $44,124 to $132,372.

This is based on a definition where middle class encompasses those with an annual household income that is two-thirds to double the median income.

Changes Over the Decade

From 2012 to 2022, the middle-class income range in North Carolina increased from $30,967 to $92,900, marking a 42.49% rise.

National Comparisons

  • Lowest and Highest Income States:
    • Mississippi: $35,323 is considered middle class.
    • Maryland: $65,641 is the lowest income to be considered middle class.
  • State with Least Change:
    • Alaska: The income required to be middle class increased by 23.53%.
  • State with Most Change:
    • Oregon: The income required to be middle class increased by 53.15%.

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