N.C. gubernatorial candidate Robinson’s porn forum comments deleted

Lewd and outrageous comments posted to the message board of a porn website by North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson have been scrubbed from the site.

The deletion of comments — in which Robinson called himself a “Black Nazi,” praised slavery and described an affair with his sister-in-law in graphic detail — came after CNN published an exposé linking the Republican candidate for N.C. governor to the more-than-a-decade old comments on the website Nude Africa.

CNN was able to link the account that once called Martin Luther King Jr. a racial slur to Robinson in a number of ways. It shared a username with many accounts also owned by Robinson. The account was linked to an email address that is known to belong to Robinson. The poster on Nude Africa also used highly specific phrases that are a part of Robinson’s vernacular (“I don’t give a frog’s fat ass” being one notable example.)

It is unknown if the scrubbing of the comments came from the website itself or Robinson.

Robinson was already facing pressure to drop out of the swing state race after another report about his alleged porn consumption. N.C. news site The Assembly published interviews with several adult video store employees in Greensboro earlier this month, who shared that Robinson was a regular who purchased “hundreds” of videos throughout the ’90s and early 2000s.

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