Heavy Showers & Thunderstorms Possible Across Parts of Coastal North Carolina

Heavy Thunderstorms Moving Offshore From North & South Carolina

10/27/24 12:35pm ET

Good afternoon everyone. We continue to watch energy move east across parts of North Carolina, along the frontal boundary between cool air and relatively warmer & more humid air.

While the heaviest shower and thunderstorm activity has moved offshore, we are still watching some spotty heavy showers and embedded thunderstorms across central and eastern parts of the state. Scattered heavier showers and rumbles are moving to the east in between Raleigh and Wilmington, missing both cities, but soaking some of the farmland there with much needed rain.

We’ll watch all of this slide to the Cape and coastal areas of North Carolina, then high pressure will try and push it back towards the North & South Carolina shores over the next 24-48 hours in the form of some clouds, gusty showers, drizzle, and fog.

For today, areas that do see some of these spotty showers & embedded storms, may see some small hail, gusty winds, and brief torrential rain. Along coastal areas, we could also see some rough surf, beach erosion, and rip currents with the consistent onshore fetch of wind.

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