Our grandchildren are not safe in Ohio

Young people being driven away

Look no further than Wednesday’s Ohio Senate override of Mike DeWine’s House Bill 68 veto to explain why our children with advanced degrees refuse to move back to their home state of Ohio to live, work in, and raise their young families.

Our grandchildren’s lives are safer in states that respect theirs and their parents’ health decisions. Ohio legislation has overstepped their control and has no right to tell anyone how to manage personal health decisions.

Megan Evans Daniels, Grove City

Two Republican women have Trump’s card

It’s worth noting two women had the guts to point to Trump’s “emperor’s new clothes.” Liz Cheney named Trump’s culpability in the January 6 insurrection.

Nikki Haley points to Trump’s leadership shortcomings, with constant lies and growing signs of mental decline.

Like Hans Christian Anderson’s tale of a vain monarch, these women have pointed to the obvious. In Anderson’s classic narrative, the people were deluded into thinking their naked king was wearing some wonderful new suit. A mere lad challenged the “blind” masses exclaiming, “He’s not wearing anything!”

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