Ohio lawmakers fear right-wing challenger more than they love kids. Overriding DeWine proof.

The state Senate displayed an Oscar-worthy portrayal of hypocrisy last week, and that’s saying something in a Statehouse full of cardboard personalities and junior-varsity phonies.

Purportedly to protect the health of young Ohioans, GOP senators overrode the veto, by Gov. Mike DeWine, a fellow Republican, of Substitute House Bill 68.

The House, also GOP-run, has already overridden DeWine’s veto of HB 68, a bill that will forbid physicians to provide certain gender-transition services to Ohio minors who are questioning their gender identity.

Ohio lawmakers endangering the lives of kids

On the other hand, in a move that clearly would endanger the health of all Ohioans, not just the state’s younger residents, the Senate joined the House in overriding DeWine’s veto of another measure that deals indirectly but pertinently with younger Ohioans.

DeWine overridden.Ohio Senate votes to restrict health care for transgender kids

That proposal, slipped by the state Senate into the 2023-24 state budget bill, forbids the regulation, by local governments, of tobacco products.

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