Ohio politicians gnashed teeth at ‘transgender wolf’ while taxman howled at gates

The taxman howling at the gate

A little more than .5% of Ohioans identify as transgender. Just under 18.5% of us are 65 or older and earning a median income of $49,753.

Ohio Republicans proudly say they spent years on transgender legislation , getting the cruelty level just right.

Legislation addressing property tax relief for 50% of seniors can’t get a vote as the GOP-dominated legislature was wringing its hands, gnashing its teeth before finally raising its fists in victory over the great evil of being sexually different from the norm.

Whew, crisis averted, mission accomplished! Senior Ohioans can all sleep easy knowing it’s just the taxman, not the transgender wolf, howling at the gate.

Dave Schwendenman, Columbus

No one comes here to take in the hate

It’s been a “great” week for Ohio’s Gerrymandered Oppressive Party.

Taking away parental and transgender rights and announcing plans to end the state personal income tax and the commercial activity tax, all within days, must have taken huge amounts of concentrated greed and bigotry.

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