Ohio Hunter Bags 228-Inch Buck With Antler Growing From Its Eye Socket

Dave Stuckey is a pretty renown hunter in the state of Ohio, known for bagging monster bucks. And a few years back, the story was the same, except this buck included a feature that is either really awesome, or really disgusting, depending on the person. According to

Field & Stream,

Stuckey took down a massive 228-inch 18-point buck, and one other feature that sets it aside from all the others… It has a 2 1/2-inch tine growing out of its eye socket. Stuckey told the outlet that he first encountered the buck four years ago:

“I was actually looking for the antlers of another buck I’d hunted that fall. I came up over this rise and there was a matched set from this buck. I was over three miles away from where I eventually killed the deer.”

Although he discovered the great sheds, he had no contact with the deer that fall. But the next summer, he went out in search of the monster again:

“But the next summer I started seeing the buck again, and of course, he had my attention. He was living on a big farm that I couldn’t hunt, but I had access to an adjacent property. I’d spot him once in a while, but he kept moving around. “

Story continues