Gov. Mike DeWine on bill to restrict transgender bathroom use: ‘I would sign the bill’

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine expressed support for legislation to ban transgender students from using the restrooms that correspond with their gender identity.

“As it stands now, I would sign the bill,” DeWine told reporters Friday following a news conference about the state’s $4.2 billion capital budget.

The bill, which the Ohio House passed late Wednesday , would require K-12 and college students at public and charter schools in Ohio to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their sex at birth.

The Ohio Senate must review the proposed legislation before it would hit DeWine’s desk. Senators are not scheduled to meet until after the November election.

More: What to know about Ohio transgender bathroom bill that passed House this week

DeWine’s comments come after he vetoed legislation to ban medical care for transgender minors and prohibit transgender girls from playing female sports. Ohio’s GOP-controlled Legislature voted to override DeWine’s veto .

An Ohio judge has temporarily blocked that law from taking effect.

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