CBS’ Margaret Brennan Cuts Off JD Vance After He Attacks the Media in Tense Exchange: I’ve Been Told ‘Everything’s Our Fault’

CBS’ Margaret Brennan cut off Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) after he attacked the media during an interview on Sunday.

Speaking with the Ohio Senator and VP hopeful on Face the Nation, Brennan called out false claims made by former President Donald Trump during Thursday’s debate.

“Mr. Trump falsely claimed states are passing legislation to execute babies,” Brennan said. “I think you know that killing people is illegal in every state. He falsely claimed that the Speaker of the House at the time turned down 10,000 soldiers that he had offered to keep the peace ahead of January 6 — something his own Acting Secretary of Defense testified to Congress did not happen. If he has such a strong platform, why make false claims?”

Vance, in response, went after the fourth estate.

“I think the media is running interference on a lot of this stuff,” Vance said. “We all know, and Nancy Pelosi herself has admitted on camera, that she could have requested more National Guard troops, she bears some responsibility for the fact that they weren’t there at the Capitol. We know that the multiple Democratic governors and states and even some Democratic senators and congressmen have tried to pass laws that would effectively legalize abortion up until the moment of birth. And most importantly, we know that the media seems totally uninterested, in fact-checking Joe Biden from any of the number of false claims that he made–”

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