The Legend of Mothman Connected to Ohio and West Virginia

CLEVELAND, OH – The Mothman, a legendary creature known for its eerie red eyes and large wingspan, is famously connected to both Ohio and West Virginia, with sightings primarily centered around the Ohio River Valley.

According to the Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage, the creature first gained notoriety in 1966 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, after multiple reports described a large, flying humanoid near the TNT Area, a former World War II munitions site.

Mothman became widely associated with the 1967 collapse of the Silver Bridge in Point Pleasant, which tragically killed 46 people. This event cemented the creature’s place in local folklore, as many believed the Mothman sightings were an omen of the disaster, according to the Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage.

Mothman’s influence extends into Ohio, especially in regions close to the Ohio River. Sightings have occasionally been reported in southeastern Ohio, which shares a cultural and geographical link with West Virginia.

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