Vance Stands By Tucker Carlson Platforming Holocaust Revisionist

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance had nothing critical to say Friday about Tucker Carlson , with whom he recently taped a podcast interview, amid roiling controversy over the former Fox News host and his decision to platform a Holocaust revisionist and apologist earlier this week .

In a statement to The Jewish Insider, a Vance campaign official said that the Ohio Senator isn’t holding Carlson responsible for Darryl Cooper’s whitewashing of the Nazis’ genocide—despite the fact that Carlson called him possibly “the best and most honest popular historian” in the entire country.

“Senator Vance doesn’t believe in guilt-by-association cancel culture but he obviously does not share the views of the guest interviewed by Tucker Carlson,” the statement read. “There are no stronger supporters of our allies in Israel or the Jewish community in America than Senator Vance and President Trump.”

While Vance may not agree with Cooper, he does currently follow him on X as of Friday evening—and has been since at least Wednesday morning.

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