Ohio STRS moves to hire firm that staff say has no qualifications

The Ohio retired teachers’ pension fund is, once again, moving to hire a firm that allegedly has a lack of experience and personal ties to the board leaders, according to senior staff.

In an exclusive 45-minute interview with me, State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Acting Executive Director Lynn Hoover explained her concerns about the board’s latest hiring process. Through my records requests, I obtained the documents that back up her allegations.

A (somewhat long) recap

STRS is in chaos. In summary, there has been constant fighting , two board resignations and allegations of both a public corruption scheme and mishandling of funds . As of this week, there has been a dismissal and two senior staff resignations.

We broke the news Thursday that Hoover and CIO Matt Worley resigned after months of controversy.

Both acting head and CIO of Ohio retired teachers’ pension fund resign amid controversy

RELATED: Both acting head and CIO of Ohio retired teachers’ pension fund resign amid controversy

Story continues