We Know You’re Not From Ohio if You Do These 3 Things

Ohio—the Buckeye State, land of unpredictable weather, die-hard sports fans, and people who call pop “pop” without blinking an eye. Whether you’re passing through or considering making Ohio your home, there are a few things that will give away your “non-Ohioan” status faster than you can say “O-H-I-O.”

Here are three sure-fire signs you’re not from Ohio.

1. You Call It “Soda”

If you walk into an Ohio diner and ask for a “soda,” be prepared for confused looks. Around here, it’s “pop.” Coke? Pepsi? Whatever your carbonated poison is, it’s all filed under “pop.” It’s one of those quirks that feels like a rite of passage. You can tell the locals by their ability to request a “pop” with confidence, and outsiders by their wide-eyed bewilderment when they first hear the term. Stick with “pop,” and you’ll fit right in.

2. You Complain About the Weather… All the Time

Yes, Ohio weather can be a rollercoaster. You might wake up to sunshine, experience a torrential downpour by lunch, and end the day with snow flurries. But the truth is, most Ohioans have made peace with their meteorological fate. The weather’s unpredictable, sure, but it’s just another day. If you find yourself constantly moaning about the rapid climate shifts, it’s a tell-tale sign you haven’t fully adapted to the Ohio way of life. Around here, a true Ohioan shrugs and says, “It’s Ohio. What do you expect?”

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