Oklahoma SB1211: harsher penalties for first offenses

Domestic violence under the microscope

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Oklahoma lawmakers are getting tougher on first time domestic offenders

In upcoming legislation, Kristen Thompson(R) of Oklahoma is recommending changes that would lengthen sentences for first time domestic offenders.

Oklahoma has a huge problem when it comes to domestic violence.

“We’re currently ranked second for women killed by men in single victim, single offender homicides. That’s the highest we have ever been,” said Beatty.

New Rules for Dealing with Domestic Abuse

If you hurt someone you’re close to, like a partner or family member, you could get in serious trouble. Here’s what the new rules say:

Assault and Battery Punishment

  • If you hurt someone without a good reason, you might have to spend time in jail or pay a fine.
  • The punishment for hurting someone could be worse if you use a weapon.
  • If you hurt a pregnant woman, the punishment is even stricter.

Domestic Abuse

  • If you hurt someone close to you, like a partner or family member, it’s called domestic abuse.
  • If you’re convicted of domestic abuse, you could go to jail for up to a year or more.
  • If it happens again, the punishment gets even harsher.
  • If you hurt someone badly, you could go to jail for up to ten years.

Story continues