SB2008: Lawmakers want to know if millions of Oklahoma dollars are being wasted

Rural Economic Action Plan-is it working?

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Millions of dollars wasted. Or was it?

In 2012, critics claimed that the State was wasting money on small-town Oklahoma that should be spent in a better way:

….the program still falls short in providing communities what they really need to thrive: job creators.

So, the focus will be on small towns to prove that the money has been well-spent.

Your tax dollars at work

Senator Dave Rader (R) from Oklahoma has sponsored a new bill about finding out if your tax dollars are being spent wisely. SB 2008 presents a plan to check up on the Rural Economic Action Plan from 1996.

The new proposed bill says that any group who obtained money from the REAP funds needs to make a plan to see how well those projects are working.

Surveys or questions will be used to ask people about the projects.

By January 1, 2027, these groups have to give a report to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce about at least two projects, and they have to use money they got earlier to pay for making the plan and the report.

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