‘Pro-family state’: Gov. Stitt says he wouldn’t support OK bill punishing women who get an abortion

OKLAHOMA CITY ( KFOR ) – A freshman Senator has filed a bill that would charge Oklahoma women who get an abortion with murder , but Governor Kevin Stitt said it’s not something he’d be supportive of.

Senate Bill 1729 , also known as the Abolition of Abortion Act, follows the “image of God,” according to the bill’s author.

‘Murderer’: OK Senator files bill to punish woman getting an abortion, wants to ban contraception

“It’s very simple. It seeks to take the exception for prenatal homicide, which is abortion, out of the homicide code and make it give equal protection under the law to all lives from the moment of conception to natural death,” stated Senator Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin.

The proposal states an abortion can only be justified if it’s to save the mother’s or unborn child’s life. The other exception is a spontaneous miscarriage.

Reasons that don’t fall under that umbrella, like rape and incest, would punish the mother.

The bill would charge her with murder.

Oklahoma State Attorney General Gentner Drummond released an opinion late last year , stating there were no current laws that criminalize abortion for mothers.

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