Bill hopes to incentivize pork producers to give pregnant sows more room

OKLAHOMA CITY ( KFOR ) – The Kirkpatrick Policy Group said the Oklahoma pork industry exports about two billion pounds of pork annually.

A new senate bill is hoping to provide incentives to factory farmers to give pregnant pigs a little more room, in an effort to improve the quality of their short life.

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“A comfortable pig is a better tasting pig,” said Sen. George Young, D-Oklahoma City.

Sen. George Young authored Senate Bill 1325 for Oklahoma factory pig farms.

“I like to call them slaughterhouses,” said Young.

He said many female pigs, or sows, live in seven by two feet gestational crates during their 114-day pregnancy.

Young said he was recently approached by the Kirkpatrick Policy Group, which has an interest in animal rights and these crates.

“[The sow] can’t stand up, turn around, extend her limbs,” said Brendan Young, with Kirkpatrick Policy Group. “After litter of piglets during her short life. And then she’s slaughtered at the end of that.”

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