The 10 Worst States to Retire

Choosing a place to retire is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Along with good weather and things to do, retirees relentlessly scrutinize the area in which they spend their golden years.

First, is it affordable? Cost of living and taxation are big deciders. States with low taxes and lower housing costs are often viewed more favorably. Second, healthcare and overall quality of life are a significant influence. Retirees will likely put down roots if the state contains excellent healthcare facilities, reasonable healthcare costs, and elder abuse protections. Some states just don’t make the cut.

Discover the ten worst states to retire in 2024 and why retirees avoid them!


Despite its low cost of living and Southern hospitality, Kentucky is the worst state to retire in America. The state ranks low for healthcare options and moderate for taxation, though it does not tax social security income. Seniors may need to travel a considerable distance for specialized medical care and there are limited options for transportation services. Kentucky also experiences extreme weather with scorching summers and cold winters.

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