Oklahoma Heart Institute offers first of its kind therapy for patients suffering from leaky heart valve

TULSA, Okla. — On Feb. 1 the FDA approved a new therapy for patients suffering from a leaky tricuspid valve.

Oklahoma Heart Institute offers first of its kind therapy for patients suffering from leaky heart valve

The first-of-its-kind transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement therapy is a less invasive procedure than open heart surgery.

The Oklahoma Heart Institute was the only hospital in the state to participate in a two-year clinical global trial. About 15 patients underwent the procedure with good outcomes, according to Dr. Kamran Muhammad, who headed up the trial at the Oklahoma Heart Institute.

Now that the new therapy has received FDA approval, Dr. Muhammad says they will be offering the procedure at their facility.

For more information on the device and the new treatment, click HERE .

This story was originally published here.