Top ranked NSU Fishing Team getting national recognition

TAHLEQUAH, Okla. – They are the top dogs in fishing in Oklahoma.  Northeastern State University (NSU) is ranked among the top 30 college teams in the country and number one in the state of Oklahoma.


“It means a lot for us to place where we have in the rankings,” Trenton Underwood, NSU Fishing team president, said. “We have a great group of guys that don’t give up easily and are constantly fishing. It is good to see the hard work of the team start to pay off.”


The team is recognized as a club sport at NSU after getting it’s start officially in 2016.  The team mainly competes in the southeastern states from Oklahoma to South Carolina with occasional stops in Wisconsin and New York.

With the team’s club status have comes scholarships to NSU totaling up to $14,000 per year available to students. There are currently six people on scholarship. The requirements for the scholarships look at high school fishing standings as well as standard scholarship requirements.

For more information about the NSU team click here for their Facebook page.

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