PAY RAISE: Election poll worker pay doubles in recruitment effort

As the big election is only a few months away in November, election boards across the state, like Tulsa County, are pulling out their checkbooks to recruit workers.

Poll workers help voters for 12 hours to ensure that results are received fairly and correctly.

In February, 2 News told you the Tulsa County Election Board was becoming more concerned about a lack of workers.

Tulsa Co. Election Board increasingly concerned about election volunteer, precinct shortage

In Oklahoma, a shortage of workers is straining election boards. Tulsa County Election Board Secretary Gwen Freeman said they’re desperate.

“Sounding the alarm that we’re really getting low on poll workers and without our poll workers, obviously, we can’t conduct elections,” Freeman said.

The state took notice and passed Senate Bill 290 .

Starting July 1, it doubled pay for judges and clerks from $100 to $200, and election inspectors go from $110 to $225.

After some phone calls and research, 2 News learned this pay raise will be at election boards across Oklahoma.

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