Opinion: Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s ‘Fake Audits Abetted’ Multi-Billion-Dollar ‘Fleecing of Ratepayers’

Oklahoma City – As I have written, significant thanks are due to Professor David Greenwell, CPA, for being willing to say publicly what many others knew but chose to ignore. In my own words: for three years, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission has been conducting fake audits of the billions in 2021 Winter Storm fuel and bond costs.

Even worse, multiple times Corporation Commission testimony under oath affirmed these fake audits as real and lawful when they were not.

Let me be clear: there is no excuse for this. This commission is supposed to be a constitutional agency of “expertise” with the “powers and authority of a court of record.” But since the 2021 Winter Storm, this agency has given wildly inaccurate estimates to lawmakers, the Supreme Court and the public, it has allowed false testimony under oath, it has issued “Findings of Fact” that directly contradict the record, it has willfully neglected to provide audits of Winter Storm fuel and bond costs in accordance with the law, it has failed to do its constitutional duty to “correct abuses,” and it has publicly maligned private citizens who dared to exercise their legal right to protest.

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