Hot topics: Walters’ Bible mandate, his new rules fired up guest columnists in July

In July, Oklahoma state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters sent a letter to state school districts ordering them to incorporate the Bible “as an instructional support into the curriculum” for grades 5 through 12, citing its importance as a historical document. Our guest columnists had a lot to say about that subject. The state of education in Oklahoma, the fading Ogallala Aquifer and Christian nationalism also were hot topics in the month.

Bible in the classroom: Different takes

● Oklahoma students should read the Bible in their classes and challenge dubious interpretations, Nancy Snow writes.

● Mike Mize, a retired program manager who has been active in the Presbyterian church on a local, regional and national level, wrote that it’s not possible to deny the devastating impact some use of biblical justification has inflicted on countless millions of American citizens.

● Teaching religion in Oklahoma schools should include all major religions, writes Adam Soltani , executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Oklahoma Chapter.

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