To be American is to hold that our unalienable rights are above any government or man Opinion

Awareness of one’s family provides a sense of origin and common values. What is true of the family is also true on the broader scale in reference to the nation. In fact, familial terms like fatherland or motherland are used to refer to a country. Patriotism encourages the awareness that citizens should have about the origins and the values of the nation. Without it, the collective identity and the appreciation of foundational family values of the nation is weakened.

The Declaration of Independence is the beginning of our nation and the project of self-governance in order to secure rights, promote justice and advance legitimate progress. The risk in any family, institution or organization is that generational drift can lead to rupture with the fundamental principles and common values that support the proper identity.

The Declaration of Independence expresses belief in a Creator who is the source of self-evident truths and unalienable rights. This is fundamental to our American identity. The word “unalienable” deserves attention for what it tells us about the values we must keep today. If you buy something with a big sticker price, like a car, you might have a lien on it from the bank loan. A lien indicates that someone else has a right to keep possession of the property until the debt is paid.

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