Cypress knees protruding beyond a tree trunk might pique your interest, but what do they do?

Have you laid awake at night wondering why some trees have knees, while others do not?

Cypress knees are the peculiar things that grow up out of the roots of the bald cypress tree. These peculiar structures come in darn handy when the winds blow. The cypress knees function not unlike the barb on a fish hook.

When fierce winds push on the tree’s trunk, there is exerted a distinct pull on the tree’s support roots. The cypress knees have that “fish hook barb” tendency to resist the wind’s attempt to radically convert a vertical tree trunk into a tree trunk that is lying over flat on its face.

While Oklahoma is not subjected to the hurricane force temper tantrum winds of the weather that is down on the Gulf Coast, you don’t need me to remind you that our state is not immune to violent wind storms. That is what makes the bald cypress such a good choice when decisions are made on what native plants to select when landscaping a home’s new lawn.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Cypress knees protruding beyond a tree trunk might pique your interest, but what do they do?

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