Oklahoma lawmakers need to focus on mental health as part of school safety

Oklahomans should be thankful that our legislators are investing significant funds in school safety.

But having taught during the deadly crack and gangs era of the 1980s and early 1990s, it’s sad to hear that school safety is something that school leaders must “ think about 24/7, today more than ever .”

I’ve also been dismayed to hear that State Superintendent Ryan Walters interfered with the distribution of school districts’ security funds. We should be thankful for Attorney General Gentner Drummond’s “expedited opinion” saying that said “the Oklahoma State Department of Education must immediately send school districts security funds that have been withheld by the agency because of a legal disagreement with the state Legislature.

It’s encouraging that school systems want to use the state’s financial investment to update security cameras, add fencing, and install better metal detectors. Moreover, House Bills 2902 and 2903 provide every Oklahoma district with funding to hire a School Resource Officer (SRO.)

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