SB692: Medical Workers’ Get Higher Retirement Pay Under New Law

EMS personnel’s contributions might deter new recruits, though

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What does SB692 want to accomplish?

SB692 makes changes to the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System in the following ways:

  1. Adding New Members: Emergency medical workers like paramedics and emergency medical technicians can join the retirement system if they start working for a participating employer after the bill becomes effective.
  2. Death Benefits: If an emergency medical worker who is a member of this system dies while on duty, their family will receive a monthly pension. This pension is calculated based on the worker’s salary and years of service.
  3. Contribution Rates: New emergency medical workers will need to contribute 8% of their salary to the retirement system. This is the same rate that other public safety workers, like correctional officers, pay.
  4. Updates to the System: The bill also updates some of the rules about how contributions are made and how benefits are calculated.

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