SB732: Patients Get Refunds and Legal Relief from Non-Compliant Hospitals

Hospitals must prove compliance or face penalties

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What does SB732 want to accomplish?

SB732 helps protect patients by making sure hospitals follow pricing rules before they can collect money or take legal action.

Here’s a simple explanation of the bill:

  1. No Collection Actions: Hospitals in Oklahoma cannot take certain actions to collect money from patients if they were not following the rules about price transparency when the patient got their care.
  2. Price Transparency Laws: These are rules that hospitals have to follow about showing clear and accurate prices for their services.
  3. Patient Rights: If a hospital wasn’t following these rules, patients can sue the hospital. If the hospital is found guilty, they have to:
    • Refund any money the patient paid.
    • Pay a penalty to the patient.
    • Stop any legal actions they took to collect the money.
    • Fix any bad credit reports related to the debt.
  4. Compliance Standards: The hospital’s compliance with federal rules from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will be checked to decide if they were following the price transparency laws.

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