Want to see where iconic Oregon films were made? Find locations with Oregon Film Trail

Since the age of silent films, Oregon has been a desirable destination for filmmakers. With hundreds of movies, TV shows and documentaries filmed in the Beaver State, it makes sense that many have large fan-followings that flock to the state to see filming locations.

The Oregon Film Trail allows fans to find locations seen in their favorite films by marking the spots they were filmed.

According to the Oregon Film Trail website, more than 700 films and TV shows have been filmed in Oregon.

Here’s what to know about the Oregon Film Trail.


What is the Oregon Film Trail?

The Oregon Film Trail features a network of locations where markers have been placed at specific areas in Oregon with movie history. These markers display the names of the films, a brief history, and their significance to the location.

Each location also explains how the state’s beauty and culture became the backdrop for so many films.

How many Oregon Film Trail markers are there?

There are more that 40 physical markers in Oregon and hundreds more locations and information listed on the Oregon Film Trail website.

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