Man accused of beheading father was steeped in conspiracy theories

A Pennsylvania man charged with murdering and beheading his father espoused far-right conspiracy theories in an online video, books he authored, and lawsuits he filed. Meanwhile, a “convoy” of vehicles is headed to the U.S.-Mexico border but appears to be far smaller than planners predicted.  And extremists are arrested across the country while an anti-LGBTQ+ fire-bomber gets 18 years in prison.

It’s the week in extremism.

Man suspected of beheaded father steeped in far-right conspiracy theories

Justin Mohn, who was arrested this week and charged with murdering his father, posted a video on YouTube the night of the alleged killing in which he displayed what is believed to have been his father’s disembodied head wrapped in plastic. In the video, Mohn ranted about far-right conspiracy theories and other, sometimes disjointed messages. A USA TODAY review of his social media postings, lawsuits and books revealed support for former President Donald Trump and an obsession with far-right narratives.

Story continues