Pennsylvania Jewish Dems accuse GOP Senate nominee of profiting from ‘antisemitic’ online platform

In Pennsylvania’s fiercely contested Senate race, Sen. Bob Casey and Jewish elected officials are charging his GOP challenger with profiting off his investment in Rumble, a video platform that has amplified far-right antisemitism and Holocaust denial.

The issue, amid rising antisemitism across the U.S., has become a particularly potent one in the contest between Casey and former hedge fund CEO David McCormick, both of whom won their primaries in April.

In a television ad that began airing recently, Casey, a three-term Democrat, called out  McCormick’s financial investments in Rumble , which was founded in 2013 as an alternative to YouTube and has grown popular among far-right after figures.

Nick Fuentes , a prominent white supremacist and Holocaust denier, maintains an active page featuring his live shows, which are replete with antisemitic and anti-Israel content. Rumble is publicly traded, but has also attracted investments from prominent right-wing venture capitalist Peter Thiel and Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio.

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