Democrats’ school-choice lies laid bare in Pennsylvania - with black voucher support above 90%

Surrounded by dozens of teachers-union officials on the steps of the Pennsylvania state Capitol this month, Democratic state Sen. Lindsey Williams excoriated a proposed K-12 education-voucher program.

She called it a conspiracy by racist, religious fundamentalists bent on destroying public education by driving “straight, white, able-bodied kids into private religious schools.”

The next day, a group of black religious leaders gathered in the state Capitol to tell Gov. Josh Shapiro to support the voucher program, called the Pennsylvania Award for Student Success .
Williams called it a conspiracy by racist, religious fundamentalists bent on destroying public education by driving “straight, white, able-bodied kids into private religious schools.”

And later that same day, Jay-Z announced he will fund a campaign to mobilize support for the legislation in Philadelphia, where voucher support among black residents stands above 90% .

One is left to make one of three conclusions: Jay-Z, Black Pastors United for Education and the vast majority of black Pennsylvania residents are secret white supremacists; they’re being unwittingly controlled by white supremacists; or Sen. Williams is not telling the truth.

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