Rhode Island to Keep Control of Providence Schools for Three More Years

This article was originally published in Rhode Island Current.

Providence will get its schools back from state control, Rhode Island’s education commissioner promised Thursday night. Just not right now.

Angélica Infante-Green, commissioner of the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE), supplied her long-awaited recommendation as to whether the state takeover of Providence’s public schools, which started in November 2019, should continue, at a meeting of the Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education.

“RIDE does not intend — and I wanna repeat that — does not intend to keep the district forever,” Infante-Green told the council.

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But the state does want to hold the district close a little longer: Infante-Green advised that the council extend the state intervention through Oct.15, 2027, and it was unanimously approved by the council.


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