RI well on its way to meet climate mandates Opinion

As the chair of the Rhode Island Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4), the most frequently asked question I receive about our climate work is “will Rhode Island meet the mandates in the Act on Climate?” Great question, right?

Rhode Island greenhouse gas reduction mandates were set through the historic passage of the R.I. Act on Climate , signed by Gov. Dan McKee in 2021. The Act requires decreasing levels of greenhouse gas emissions reaching net zero by 2050. We met the first mandate, a 10% reduction from a 1990 baseline by 2020. Things get tougher as we strive to achieve a 45% reduction by 2030, an 80% reduction by 2040, and a 100% reduction by 2050. Implementation of the Act on Climate is led by the EC4 which is made up of agency directors from 13 departments in state government.

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Greenhouse gas emissions in Rhode Island come from three major sources: transportation, heating and cooling of buildings, and the generation of electricity. As a result of significant investments, we have major efforts going on in all three sectors.

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