ConCon will let Rhode Islanders break the status quo Opinion

Years ago, when I worked with General Assembly leaders of both parties on legislation, I learned how the sausage is made.

Unfortunately for Ocean State families, the priority of our elected officials is not the well-being of “we the people”; nor is it the advancement of opportunities and the preservation of our God-given and constitutional rights.

Instead, politicians are all about preserving their own power: the majority party by appeasing as many special interests as possible, while upsetting as few as it can; the minority party by caving to the majority, trading its values for a few negotiated policy crumbs.

More: Why it’s time for Rhode Island to have a constitutional convention | Opinion

Lost in this political game is anyone fighting for the rest of us. Caught up in their crony and myopic views, these political supremacists fail to see the larger picture − the deterioration of our state. This all-of-government corruption is robbing our children of their futures and destroying opportunities for families to achieve the American Dream.

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