Cases of West Nile Virus continues to climb and DEM warns threat from mosquitoes remains

PROVIDENCE − The number of human cases of West Nile Virus in Rhode Island doubled from last week to this week , the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management reported Thursday.

Two new cases this week — one confirmed and one probable — were added to last week’s count. According to the DEM press release, “Both people are Providence County residents in their 70s.”

Additionally, the Rhode Island State Health Laboratories confirmed a mosquito captured in Westerly tested positive for EEE, Eastern Equine Encephalitis.

The positive EEE mosquito was part of a study that included 89 samples collected from 24 mosquito traps around the state.

DEM reminds Rhode Islanders, “that it is a particularly active mosquito season in Southern New England and that mosquito testing and recent human cases of both EEE virus and WNV indicate a high-risk level statewide.”

DEM said that this is a particularly active mosquito season and the risk of EEE and West Nile is high statewide.

“It is important for all Rhode Islanders to take precautions to limit exposure to mosquitoes and prevent mosquito bites, including using an EPA-approved insect repellent and wearing long sleeves and pants when outdoors,” DEM said in a news release.

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