The Ultimate Rhode Island Dining Guide: Our reporters love to eat. Here’s what they recommend

When it comes to Rhode Island restaurants and dining, everyone has an opinion.

But here’s the thing: Everyone is right. Rhode Island is a foodie’s paradise. And it’s not just the fancy cuisine – sure, we have that, and some of the most innovative chefs in the world – Rhode Island’s got the all-time faves and the traditions, like pizza strips, frozen lemonade and stuffies.

Like I said, we’ve got you covered when it comes to new restaurants to try . We even offer recipes now and then so you can make some of your restaurant favorites at home. Dealing with dietary restrictions, like going gluten-free ? We’ve got you covered there, too.

For some fun this fall, we had all of The Journal’s writing staff pitch in for the Ultimate Rhode Island Dining Guide. And why not – food touches so many aspects of our lives, just as it touches so many of their beats.

For instance, our NENPA Journalist of the Year, courts reporter Katie Mulvaney, takes us on a quest to find one of her favorite sandwiches, the muffuletta . Political reporter Kathy Gregg dove into some finance records to see where local lawmakers were eating , and who paid the bill. Reporter Paul Edward Parker has a teenage son, so who better to send to a ghost kitchen ? And reporter Patrick Anderson, always a good one to bring historical perspective to stories, takes a look at the old-fashioned foods that make up “Swamp Yankee” cuisine.

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