Sunday letters: Facts and misconceptions about wind power

‘Outdated data’ in wind power column

The column “Americans being duped by the wind lobby” (Commentary, Oct. 13) cites exceedingly outdated data as it references an industry study that is almost 15 years old to try and convince the public that Americans are being duped into believing wind energy is a valid solution to reduce climate change.

The opinion piece by Benjamin Riggs, founding and active member of the Energy Council of Rhode Island, states as a “matter of fact” that wind energy actually produces more carbon emissions because its intermittent power generation requires grid operators to operate fossil fuel plants in a fluctuating manner. One who is a founding member of the Rhode Island Energy Council should know that since the ERCOT Bentek IV study done in 2010 there have been many changes to the alternative energy landscape. These improvements include widespread addition of solar power generation, the implementation of large scale energy storage equipment like battery banks, and electronic grid balancing of all sources.

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