Discover why South Carolina Law Requires the Use of Headlights During Rain

In South Carolina, a state known for its picturesque landscapes and historic charm, a critical yet often overlooked traffic law exists that plays a crucial role in ensuring road safety during inclement weather. This law, stipulated under South Carolina Code Section 56-5-4450, mandates the use of headlights during rain, sleet, or snow, and whenever windshield wipers are in operation​​​​.

The Legal Foundation

South Carolina’s headlight law, effective since November 19, 2018, is clear and uncompromising. It requires that every vehicle on the state’s streets and highways must display lighted lamps and illuminating devices, excluding parking lights, from a half-hour after sunset to a half-hour before sunrise. More critically, this law also applies during any other time when windshield wipers are in use due to rain, sleet, or snow, or when inclement weather or environmental factors severely reduce visibility. The only exception is when windshield wipers are used intermittently in misting rain, sleet, or snow​​​​.

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