South Carolina’s Fight Against Distracted Driving: Texting While Behind the Wheel

In South Carolina, the battle against distracted driving, particularly texting while driving, has been ongoing. The state has implemented laws to curb this dangerous practice, acknowledging the significant risks it poses to road safety.

Understanding the Law:

South Carolina law prohibits drivers of all ages from texting while driving. This includes the use of electronic devices like mobile phones, personal digital assistants, text messaging devices, and computers for composing, sending, or reading text-based messages, including emails and instant messages, while operating a motor vehicle on public streets and highways​​​​.

Exceptions to the Rule:

There are, however, exceptions to this law. These include situations where the driver is parked or stopped lawfully, using a hands-free device, summoning emergency assistance, transmitting or receiving data as part of a dispatch system, a public safety officer performing their duties, or using a GPS system for navigation​​​​.

Enforcement and Penalties:

Story continues