South Carolina may soon have permitless gun carry

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WBTW) — Gun owners in the Palmetto State may soon be able to carry a firearm in public without licensing or training.

Bill H.359 , or the constitutional carry bill, passed in the South Carolina Senate 28-15. The bill must now pass in the House of Representatives to be approved by Gov. Henry McMaster for the bill to go into effect.

Currently in South Carolina, for a person to carry a gun publicly, they must have a concealed weapon permit which involves training.

The constitutional carry bill would bypass the concealed weapon training and will allow law-abiding gun owners, open or concealed, to carry weapons publicly without a government permit.

McMaster said in a statement Thursday that South Carolina took a huge step toward closing the “revolving door” on career repeat criminals.

“Stricter increased penalties for repeat illegal gun use and possession will keep these criminals behind bars instead of shooting up our streets with impunity,” McMaster said. “It was a collaborative and cooperative effort by the Senate. My hope is that the House will concur with their improvements and send it to my desk immediately so we can begin saving lives.”

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